Staying Motivated In Our Sedentary Lifestyle

Published on 10 Feb 2018 at 12:00am

Move to maximize results in business is something CEOs do to battle the boardroom table and starve off physical and mental illness; why is it many of us don’t?

“Michael you are an idiot!”

Said the doctor to his patient who constanly comes to his practice complaining of a back ache. Although this is just jovial banter between a doctor and his patient, there is an underlying frustration. For years the doctor has been questioning Michael with ‘why don’t you move more’ or ‘why are you so sedentary during the day and night.’

This always comes with the same response. “well if i didn’t work I would have no money’. True response that but think of this for minute. Michael gets up in the morning and has no breakfast. He showers, gets changed and hops in his car for the 40 minute trip to work. Sits at his desk for 8 hours perhaps gets up to use the toilet and has lunch at his desk consisting of battered cod and chips with a mars bar and a coke.

By the end of the day he’s tired of all the meetings while scoffing on minties, cinnamon scrolls and Krispy creme donghnuts which has been lovingly  supplied by his company. Then Drives home for a big dinner, consisting of Sweet and sour Pork with honey and soy chicken he bought from coles the night before, a few glasses of wine plonks himself on the sofa for a few hours then goes to sleep.

In that whole time his body would have consumed over 3500 calories and he would have burned only 500-600 calories which is a deficit of about 3000 calories. which if you continue this process he would gain 1 kilo of fat a month which would add up to a gradual 12 kilos a year. Adding to that his body being sat down all day would place his back in a flexed position which shortens the hip muscle and compresses the discs that support the lower back. Excellent ingredients for back pain.

So back to Michael and his comment about not not earning money if he didn’t work. Firstly he would be spending thousands of dollars a year on getting his back right. Adding to that the time he spends with his family ( oh yes this make believe person does have a family with 2 kids ) is being compromised with his lack of enthusiasm and energy. Lets not even talk about the sex, ….because he’s not.

So how do we fix this poor sexless, de-energised, soul sapping businessman.

Firstly he must eat breakfast. Breakfast is all in the name. You are breaking the fast. The boffins at the ad agency must have been back slapping each other when they came up with that.

The complaints that are usually given about breakfast is that it is hard to eat because they just don’t feel like it. What they don’t realise  is that the body is starving for food, after its big sleep. but the brain is so used to not eating that it signals that it is not hungry. If you drink a glass of water when you wake up and just have either a banana or a piece of bread with an egg guaranteed you will feel hungry after about 5 days of doing this. Perhaps less.

Park the car further from your work so you’ll wake up earlier and be able to move more. Studies have shown by just by walking 20 minutes a day for someone who is sedentary can make them lose over 8 kilos in a year.

Lunch comes along and it’s very important to not get take out food which has hidden calories and is usually processed. Always have either salad or chicken and brown wholemeal bread or rice. This will not only fill you up but give you a slow release of energy during the day. Mid after noon a piece of fruit and by the end of the day you will not feel as hungry so dinner will be light with vegetables and either fish, chicken or meat.

With all this our mysterious make believe person named Michael can lose up to 3-4 kilos a month by following those simple changes which will not only make him feel better about himself but will also reduce the money he spends on Chiropractors and physiotherapists for his lower back.

Simon Margheritini
Cert IV Personal Training

Simon Margheritini has been helping people achieve their fitness goals for more than 20 years. He started his fitness career in 1999 finishing his Cert IV in Personal Training, Business and Nutrition. In 2000, Simon worked at Body Xpress Bondi Beach and then in 2002 he was the founding manager for Healthwise Global, looking after 2500 Flight Centre employees. Today Simon runs a private personal studio in Waterloo, Sydney, called ‘Go & Get Fit.’ and has worked there for 10 years. Simon has been a regular contributor to The Australian and Network Fitness over the years, also being featured in many articles by Huffington Post.

For more information, visit:

Go & Get Fit Personal Training
Shop 102/10 Lachlan St, Waterloo NSW 2017

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~Edward Stanley

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